Teya Salat

Terms Of Service-CrazyJaTT.tk
Everything is free when you download from this Mobile site. However, charges still applies by your Mobile/Internet service provider. We are not responsible for your operator data transfer charges for inquiry contact your ISP.

We may allow other companies to serve advertisements on this website and contains links to sites. We are not responsible for anything you BUY from the ads on our web pages or any damage that may be caused by them.

This Website may contain links to other websites which are not under the control of and are not maintained by us. We are not responsible for the content of those sites. we are providing these links to you only as a convenience.

You may keep a downloaded anything(songs, apps, games, images, tones, etc) on your mobile phone for only 24-hours. Once that 24-hour period expires, you must either DELETE it (applications, games, images, tones, etc.) OR PURCHASE it through the rightful owner/publisher of the content, which will give you the rights to keep the file on your mobile phone,or any storage media.

You CANNOT SELL any of the applications, games, images, tones, etc. to anyone in any way.This site is created for individuals who are WAP enthusiasts or hobbyists only.

Bhangu.Xtgem.CoM holds NO responsibility for anything that happens to you or to your mobile phone, wireless device, computer or any storage media at anytime.

By accessing, downloading or viewing any of these files, you agree to all these terms. If you do not agree to all the terms, please disconnect from this site now. By remaining at this site, you affirm your understanding and compliance of the above disclaimer and absolve this site of any responsibility henceforth.

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