
Many times new visitors come along with returning visitors, some users may find some problem or might have questions about almost anything, this is where all of you will get answers about for ur all queries.

Given Below are some common frequently asked questions, which might be wandering in ur mind, have their answers right here :-)

What is OS 6/7/8 ?
Symbian Operating System for mobile phones comes in version, hence OS 'X' refers to the version of Symbian Operating System. OS 6 7 8 includes Nokia Phones like Nokia 6600, 7610, 6630, 6680, 6670, 3230, N70, N72 etc.
What is OS 9 ?
OS 9 refers to the latest version of symbian operating system, which include Nokia Phones like Nokia N73, N95, N93, N80, N81, N82, E50, E51, E62, 5500, 5700, N90, 3250, N91 etc.

What is S60 v2 and S60 v3 ?
S60 v2 and v3 are other acronyms to describe the version of operating system of your phone. S60 v2 is equivalent to OS 6/7/8 and S60 v3 is equivalent to OS 9.
What are the recommended size of wallpapers for different phones ?
The Recommended Size for wallpapers for different phones are given below, in addtion please note that it is the wallpaper size and not actual resolutions of phones.
» Nokia 6600,7610,6630,3230,6680,6681,6670,N70,N72,N90,N91,3250 etc - 176 X 144 pixels
» Nokia N73,N93,E61,E50,E51 etc - 240 x 235

How do I play .avi files on my pc ?
avi files uploaded on this site are divX encoded and require to divX codec to be installed on ur pc, or alternatively u may use VLC Media Player which plays 3gp as well as Avi files with no troubles.
Why does my download gets broken in between or stops downloading ?
Since some of the files you download may be large in size or your internet connection may not be very speedy, so it breaks the downloads in between, we would recommend you to use some download manager like Download Accelerator Plus (DAP), Internet Download Manager (DAP) to get resume supported downloads for ur pc.

How To Hack My OS 9/S60v3 Phone to Install unsigned application and games ??
I am providing here a simple guide on how to hack ur phone to install all unsigned games and applications, please follow these steps for all s60 v3 / OS 9 Phones.
01. You need to install X-plore (In Phone Memory)
02. Now install HelloCarbide.sisx (In Phone Memory)
03. Run X-plore
04. Go to C: Try to access c:sys, It should do nothing
05. DO NOT CLOSE X-plore
06. Run HelloCarbide press Options: Menu1: you will see 'Done...probably', Click Yes and then it will crash
07. Switch to X-plore
08. Try again to access c:sys, It should work now
09. Now copy appropriate installserver.exe to c:sys/bin/
10. You need to restart your phone
11. Now you can install any 'Unsigned' app without signing
01. This tutorial is meant for advanced users only, if u do not know nething about it, please do no follow these steps, u may end up with a messed up phone.
02. Download Xplore Latest version from OS 9 Softwares Zone
03. Download Hello Carbide
How To Install N-Gage Games in my OS 9 Phone ??
To Install N-Gage New Edition Games, Follow These Simple Steps:
01. First of all hack ur phone using the above shown method
02. Install N-Gage 2.0 Application available in OS 9 N-Gage Games Zone On ur Card Memory (Password for zip file is ngage)
03. Install No Trial Patch On ur Card Memory, to make all games full version.
04. After Installing everything, u have to put .ngage file of the game in ngage folder(It must be there) in ur card memory, using Xplore.
05. Now Open N-Gage Application from menu, the game will automatically install

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